This is a bad and contradicting review, not because you say bad things about the movie but because you don't seem to understand that these "clichés" have been a part of Japanese culture of centuries. Yes, Ring was the first movie to use an onryo, and Ju-on followed closely months later in the same year with Gakko no Kaidan G laying the foundation of Ju-on as a television movie. So like I said, it's part of their centuries old culture, and the contradicting part is where you claim to be interested in other people's culture only to rip it off for "not being original and taken from a pre-existing movie"? Personally I'm a big fan of onryos being used in horror movies and I can't get tired of them, but this one I didn't find as scary as, say, Kayako or Sadako, for the same reason I don't find Toshio scary: she's just a little child. Child specters aren't scary. Male specters aren't scary either. It's the female ones that creep me out. But yeah I hope you enjoyed that useful piece of trivia and hopefully in the future you won't dump on a movie simply because the director decides to make use of their centuries-old folklore.
This is a bad and contradicting review, not because you say bad things about the movie but because you don't seem to understand that these "clichés" have been a part of Japanese culture of centuries. Yes, Ring was the first movie to use an onryo, and Ju-on followed closely months later in the same year with Gakko no Kaidan G laying the foundation of Ju-on as a television movie. So like I said, it's part of their centuries old culture, and the contradicting part is where you claim to be interested in other people's culture only to rip it off for "not being original and taken from a pre-existing movie"? Personally I'm a big fan of onryos being used in horror movies and I can't get tired of them, but this one I didn't find as scary as, say, Kayako or Sadako, for the same reason I don't find Toshio scary: she's just a little child. Child specters aren't scary. Male specters aren't scary either. It's the female ones that creep me out. But yeah I hope you enjoyed that useful piece of trivia and hopefully in the future you won't dump on a movie simply because the director decides to make use of their centuries-old folklore.